This article will help you learn some of the tips and tricks to help you quit smoking successfully.
Make sure you do not feel as if you have to give up any aspect of your life because you are quitting smoking. Anything that you do you can still do as an ex-smoker. Who knows, you may even be able to do your favorite things a little bit better.
Don't Go Cold Turkey
Do not quit cold turkey. It can be tempting to throw out your cigarettes and say, "I quit!" But cold turkey is not the way you want to go. Studies show that over ninety percent of people who try to quit smoking with no medication or therapy end up relapsing. The reason for this is because nicotine is addictive and your brain craves it. Without it, nicotine withdrawal symptoms set in.
Try not to eat too much to fill the void left from quitting cigarettes. Nicotine is an appetite suppressant, so do not be surprised when you start to feel hungrier after quitting. Eat healthier when you quit smoking cigarettes. This will give you more room for calories you will consume by snacking.
You will be more successful if you do not attempt to shoulder the entire burden of smoking cessation. Get some support from your loved ones. Inform them of the reasons why you're attempting to quit, and let them assist you. It's also a great idea to join a support group. Simply talking with people who are going through the same thing will help spur you on to kick the habit.
In order to quit this damaging addiction, you need a combination of determination, focus, and a strong plan. Use what you have learned in this article to help you overcome your cravings. While you go through the process, stay motivated by thinking of all of the benefits that will be yours once you have kicked the habit!